The One-Page Marketing Plan

It’s no news that of the biggest challenges business owners face is marketing. A scattered and unorganized approach can make it very difficult for them to stay focused on...

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Don’t listen my advice

‘What’s your last piece of advice for our readers?’  A reporter asked me recently as we concluded the interview.  ‘Don’t listen to all advice’, I said. She thought it was...

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Friendships  As the mountains fade into the distance, my tears slowly stop running down my cheeks. I’m sitting on a plane back to Australia via Kuala Lumpur to shoot a...

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Do Hire Friends

"Don’t hire your friends!” This is very common advice in the business world. Since I like being a bit of a rebel and proving things wrong (sometimes unsuccessfully), I’ve...

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If I died right now…

Sunday morning, my phone rang. It was an unknown number. Must be one of my overseas friends, I thought. It was my brother. He had to make one of the most difficult calls I...

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